
Data dictionary - POST application request

Rules for updating application status and sending files:

  1. Updating application status to "End treatment" (סיום טיפול):
    1. "ReasonOfCompletionId" field is mandatory
    2. "AttachmentFile" is not mandatory; however, it is highly recommended that you transfer a file explaining the terms of the approval or the reasons for the rejection.

  2. Updating application status to "Completions are required" (נדרשות השלמות):
    1. DocumentID" field is mandatory - at least one document ID required for completion.
    2. Do not transfer a file on "AttachmentFile" field unless an "Answer to Applicant" document is specified on "DocumentID" field.

  3. "Answer to the Applicant" document (תשובה לפונה):
    1. Used to transfer files between the approver and the applicant until the application's treatment ends. In the file attached to the document, the approver can specify instructions for the applicant or attach a template to fill and return in case the application's status is "Completions are required".
    2. The document and file can be transferred when the application's status is "Sent and transferred for treatment" or "Completions are required".
    3. File type and size: PDF up to 5 MB.

If the system detects that the update request does not comply with these rules, an error message will be returned.
להורדה בעברית


"ApplicationId" and "CompanyId" fields are mandatory.

Field name Type Description Data sample
ApplicationId STRING Application identifier, מזהה פניה "69b5af7-7ffa-4f16-bbe9-c5806716aff"
CompanyId STRING Company identifier, מזהה חברה "1b70f924-d013-4cb1-a070-7d5416254f"

Fields for update:

The values ​​of some of the fields should be taken from code tables.

Field name Type Description Data sample
ApplicationStatusId STRING Application status identifier, מזהה סטטוס פניה

"362220c4-8646-4ab7- 8c73-46b1f02fddfd"

GUID, values from code tables

AttachmentFile Base64 The attached file, הקובץ עצמו
AttachmentFileName STRING Attachment name, שם הקובץ המצורף "היתר חפירה.pdf"
ContactPerson STRING Name of the updater, שם מעדכן הפניה "גלילאו גליליי"
ContactPersonEmail STRING Email of the updater, מייל מעדכן הפניה "o1@example.com"
ContactPersonPhone STRING Phone of the updater, טלפון מעדכן הפניה "0500000000"
DocumentID STRING ARRAY Document identifier, מזהה מסמך (רשימת מסמכים נדרשים להשלמה כולל "מסמך תשובה לפונה")

"8cca8ddb-7454-4bc4- a7eb-97cdf6c2f8a5", "9681747a-56ac-44e7- 89a6-0a3553b2ad8c"

GUID, values from code tables

InternalReferenceNumber STRING Application Internal reference number, מספר סימוכין פנימי "345433"
ReasonOfCompletionId STRING End of treatment reason identifier, מזהה סיבת סיום הטיפול


GUID, values from code tables

SocialMessage STRING The message to be published in the message board, ההודעה שתפורסם בלוח ההודעות בפניה "השלימו את המסמכים הנדרשים בהקדם"
UpdatePolygon STRING Request to update the work area polygon from the applicant, בקשה לעדכון פוליגון אזור העבודה ממגיש הבקשה יש להעביר ערך "True"