
About our API

The interface can be used to GET the company's applications records from the National Infrastructure Coordination system (IS-IL) in order to handle them in the company's internal systems and to update the application's treatment status and details.

This API provides access to the following information:

  1. Application details.
  2. Contacts in the application.
  3. Treatment statuses.
  4. Documents and attachments.
  5. Location of the work area on a map (Polygon).
  6. Message board feature.
  7. Task list.

Version Description
API v1 • Receive company's applications
• Receive subsidiaries applications
• Retrieving applications by range of dates or application numbers
• Retrieving applications by treatment statuses
• Update application status
• Update reason of finish treatment for the application
• Post and receive documents and attachments
• Post and receive messages in application's message feed

How to get access

1. Step one: Apply and receive approval for an API account

To make any request to the API, you must first apply for an API account. Contact the system's support center and ask for an API account for your company. Once approved, you will receive a username, password, company ID and API key along with a list of addresses (URLs) to activate the service.

2. Step two: Make your first request

First, connect with your username, password, and API key. You will receive a Token which will be used in every request at the current session.
Second, make your first request!

Data dictionary - GET application request

These are the parameters that can be specified in the request when the "CompanyId" or "MotherCompanyId" mandatory.

Field name Type Description Data sample

1. Shortened data list - when "Detail_level" parameter = NULL.

Field name Type Description Data sample
ProjectCompanyInitiateName STRING Name of the company that initiates the project, שם החברה היוזמת את הפרויקט "מקורות מרחב מרכז"
ProjectId STRING Project id to which the application is associated, מזהה הפרויקט אליו משויכת הפניה "a79451-e301-49fa-a8c-309fd0b109"
ProjectLeaderId STRING Project leader identifier, מזהה מוביל (יזם) הפרויקט "4d388f-f5bf-446d-8b6d-9a6856aedbc4"
ProjectLeaderName STRING Project leader name, שם מוביל (יזם) הפרויקט "מוטי לוי"
ProjectManagerId STRING Project manager identifier, מזהה מנהל הפרויקט "4d188f-f5bf-446d-8b6d-9a6856aedbc4"
ProjectManagerName STRING Project manager name, שם מנהל הפרויקט "עמית רותם"
ProjectName STRING Project name to which the application is associated, שם הפרויקט אליו משויכת הפניה "כפר יונה הרחבה"
RecepientCompanyId STRING Recipient company identifier, מזהה החברה הנמענת/המטפלת בפניה "682bc0-fc1-4ba-bac1-6db2985499"
RecepientCompanyName STRING Recipient company name, שם החברה הנמענת/המטפלת בפניה "נתיבי ישראל"
RecipientCompanyVatNumber STRING Recipient company BN/Vat number, מספר ח.פ./עוסק מורשה של החברה הנמענת/המטפלת בפניה "523460209"
StatusCreatedOn DATE Date of change application status, תאריך שינוי סטטוס הפניה "30/12/2020 17:36:33"
UsrNationalPriorityProjDesc STRING National Priority Project Name,שם פרויקט בחשיבות לאומית "מטרו גוש דן"
UsrProjectMainTypeId STRING Project Main Type Id,מזהה תחום פרויקט "23188f-f5bf-411d-8b6d-9a6856aedbc4"
UsrProjectMainTypeName STRING Project Main Type Name,שם תחום פרויקט "חשמל"
UsrProjectTypeId STRING Project Type Id,מזהה תת-תחום פרויקט "20188f-f5bf-411d-8b6d-9a6856aedbc4"
UsrProjectTypeName STRING Project Type Name,שם תת-תחום פרויקט "הטמנת תשתית מתח גבוה"
WorkingPlace STRING Description of the project location, תיאור קצר של הפרויקט "פריסת תשתית חשמל ברחוב הרקפת בית קמה"
  • 1
  • 2 (current)
  • »

2. Complete data list - when "Detail_level" parameter = "full", includes all the fields that appear in the shortened list above and in addition:

Field name Type Description Data sample
RequestNumber INTEGER Request number, מספר בקשה "2739"
RequestTypeId STRING Request type identifier, מזהה סוג בקשה "1b1c54ba-381b-42e4-bd94-ef41a916fe31"
RequestTypeName STRING Request type name, שם סוג הבקשה "קבלת מידע"
StatusDetails Object Application status table, טבלת סטטוסים של הפניה

Details of the object fields later on the page,
פירוט השדות והערכים בהמשך העמוד

TasksDetails Object Tasks table, טבלת משימות בפניה

Details of the object fields later on the page,
פירוט השדות והערכים בהמשך העמוד

  • 1
  • 2 (current)
  • »

Attachments details ("Detail_level" parameter = "full") - details of the "AttachmentDetails" object fields:

Field name Type Description Data sample

Application statuses details ("Detail_level" parameter = "full") - details of the "StatusDetails" object fields:

Field name Type Description Data sample

Project contacts details ("Detail_level" parameter = "full") - details of the "ContactDetails" object fields:

Field name Type Description Data sample

Messages posted in the application's message board ("Detail_level" parameter = "full") - details of the "MessageDetails" object fields:

Field name Type Description Data sample

Tasks created during the treatment ("Detail_level" parameter = "full") - details of the "TasksDetails" object fields:

Field name Type Description Data sample

Data dictionary - POST application request

Rules for updating application status and sending files:

  1. Updating application status to "End treatment" (סיום טיפול):
    1. "ReasonOfCompletionId" field is mandatory
    2. "AttachmentFile" is not mandatory; however, it is highly recommended that you transfer a file explaining the terms of the approval or the reasons for the rejection.

  2. Updating application status to "Completions are required" (נדרשות השלמות):
    1. DocumentID" field is mandatory - at least one document ID required for completion.
    2. Do not transfer a file on "AttachmentFile" field unless an "Answer to Applicant" document is specified on "DocumentID" field.

  3. "Answer to the Applicant" document (תשובה לפונה):
    1. Used to transfer files between the approver and the applicant until the application's treatment ends. In the file attached to the document, the approver can specify instructions for the applicant or attach a template to fill and return in case the application's status is "Completions are required".
    2. The document and file can be transferred when the application's status is "Sent and transferred for treatment" or "Completions are required".
    3. File type and size: PDF up to 5 MB.

If the system detects that the update request does not comply with these rules, an error message will be returned.
להורדה בעברית


"ApplicationId" and "CompanyId" fields are mandatory.

Field name Type Description Data sample

Fields for update:

The values ​​of some of the fields should be taken from code tables.

Field name Type Description Data sample

Code Tables

The code tables are available for download at the following link - click here.

In the development phase use the "DEV" tables and at the end of the development use the "PROD" tables. These values ​​must be entered in the fields specified in the data dictionary.

Copy to clipboard
<script> function openContent(evt, cityName) { var i, tabcontent, tablinks; tabcontent = document.getElementsByClassName("tabcontent"); for (i = 0; i < tabcontent.length; i++) { tabcontent[i].style.display = "none"; } tablinks = document.getElementsByClassName("tablinks"); for (i = 0; i < tablinks.length; i++) { tablinks[i].className = tablinks[i].className.replace(" active", ""); } document.getElementById(cityName).style.display = "block"; evt.currentTarget.className += " active"; } // Get the element with id="defaultOpen" and click on it document.getElementById("defaultOpen").click(); </script>

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