
This is about how to create a new article that can be displayed in the מה חדש במערכת and the API New area
Categorize through de field "נושא" a new article so it can be displayed in one area or the other.

How to

  1. Go to the tracker7
    From there you can view, edit delete and create a new article.
  2. Click on the "Create a new item" buttons
  3. Fill all the relevant fields
    The field "נושא" will determine if the article is displayed in a section or in the other.
    In the field "תוכן", add your content.

To insert a PDF document ready to be viewed.

  1. On the toolbar use the upload file to place the PDF file in the "News Illustration" folder.
    1. Choose the correct folder (News Illustration)
    2. Upload the file and click on the icon of the file
    3. Note the id of the file you just upload
    4. Delete the new added code
  2. On the toolbar use the mediaplayer plugin by clicking on the "play" icon
    1. In the "URL" field insert the fileId you just noted
    2. In the "File type" insert "pdf" to set the type of document
  3. Save

Video tutorial